3 Subtle Ways to Make a Big Difference to Your Décor

3 Subtle Ways to Make a Big Difference to Your Décor

We often get asked for advice by our clients on how to maximize the spaces where our custom hand-made furniture is going to be placed, so here are 3 subtle ways to make a big difference to your decor. There has been a massive mindset shift in the way we live. No longer is it accepted that a room should look a certain way just because that’s how it’s always been. Emotion, comfort, utility. These are just some of the things that can be considered about how we feel in our homes and how we can create the most comfortable home that suits our own personal need.


Wallpaper has been around since the dawn of time… well sometimes it feels like that, especially setting foot into your grandma and grandpa’s house. Unlike back then when it was plastered over every wall in such thick ferocity that whatever was in the room at the time was trapped for all eternity, we are seeing a sense of sporadic adventure in the application of this life breathing material into some very indifferent places. Wallpaper can add fun, pattern, and texture to your home by using it as a feature wall, lining the back of glass cabinets, on ceilings, and even as an art feature in an overzealous picture frame.

Natural Inspiration

Biophilia is the human desire to connect with nature and nature inspired interiors are the simplest way to transform a space into a breath of living complexity. The pandemic trends have seen a huge focus on indoor outdoor living, and with this, interior decorators and homeowners alike are trying new and fun ways to bring nature indoors. One of the simplest ways is, of course, filling your home with plants. Using that plant as the artist and the pot as its canvas, you can add depth and texture to any space with a beautifully pruned indoor plant. Any good nursery or Builders greenhouse should provide a plethora of options suited to your every need. A reminder to opt mostly for high shade plants and always try and take your indoor plants outside at least once a week to get some natural sunlight and get those photosynthesis processes going. Another way is to simply add a touch of green paint (a major pantone trend for 2022) to feature items. Different shades on different textures add a pop of colour but also a sense of tranquility.

Black is Back

When it comes to a subtle way to make a big difference to your décor, you can expect black to be standing right at the front of the queue. Black accents, black trims, all black everything. Often considered one of the most complimentary colours, black is sleek and modern-looking and adds a touch of class with a modern twist. Marrying it with some floral, asking our expert team for a black matte powder coating finish on your round deep rim mirror or just bringing in some vintage candle stick holders can create coffee book table appeal to any room in your house.

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